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New standards for cooperative doctorates

Culture of innovative collaboration in the Expert Forum for Consortial Doctorates

The Bavarian Academic Forum’s Expert Forum for Consortial Doctorates with its currently eleven Joint Academic Partnerships (JAPs) sets new standards for cooperative doctoral degrees. Consortial doctorates are structured, predictable and transparent. This reaffirms the high quality standards of doctoral degrees.

Our BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships are subject-specific platforms and networks for both young and experienced researchers and strengthen the culture of academic exchange between Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences.

We promote doctoral candidates’ individual progress, provide a structured and straightforward path towards obtaining one’s doctorate and ensure academic quality.

  • BayWISS supervision agreement clarifies the supervision situation, mutual expectations as well as milestones during the doctoral process

  • systematic introduction to the scientific community through external and internal network events as well as access to the graduate programmes of the Joint Academic Partnership’s universities (more on our events)

  • exclusive platform for doctoral candidates (e.g. seminars, lecture series, symposia, training courses) can be jointly developed in a proactive and needs-oriented way

  • financial support for travel costs, training, publications, conferences, workshops, participation fees, project-specific equipment, printing costs where necessary etc.

  • advice and organisational support provided by our coordinators

BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships ensure that

  • university and university of applied sciences professors jointly and equally supervise and provide expert opinions on the doctorate
  • there are no additional entrance hurdles depending on type of university
  • there is no differentiation in the doctoral degree depending on academic origin
  • the supervising university of applied sciences is stated on the doctoral certificate issued by the university

Bavaria is an outstanding scientific location and offers excellent conditions especially for early career researchers thanks to its differentiated higher education landscape. For years, the cooperative doctoral degree – in other words, the legally established possibility for HAW professors to participate in doctoral procedures – has been increasing flexibility and transparency in the Bavarian higher education system. With the Expert Forum for Consortial Doctorates, the Bavarian Academic Forum – BayWiss enhances doctoral conditions for young researchers while increasing the transparency of our educational system.

Our "consortial doctorate" model breaks down existing barriers for HAW graduates and creates an attractive supervision possibility for key issues of tomorrow, supported by both university types. Our binding, clear structures reinforce the formation of networks between universities and institutions of all kinds, the culture of academic collaboration – and thus research and innovation throughout the whole of Bavaria.


In our 10 Joint Academic Partnerships we currently have 289 doctoral candidates. 117 alumni have successfully completed their doctorate.

How to join a BayWISS JAP – simple steps:


*If there is a thematic fit, any Bavarian university management can submit an informal application for their university to become a member in a Joint Academic Partnership provided that ideas or partners for cooperation projects exist. A contact at the university must be stated in the application.

Evaluation of the Expert Forum for Consortial Doctorates in the Bavarian Academic Forum – BayWISS

Overview BayWISS Consortial Doctorates as a German PDF flyer

Contact list for consortial doctorates

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences mehr

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences mehr

Tecchnical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg mehr

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