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Munich School of Philosophy


The Munich School of Philosophy is based on the over 450-year educational tradition of the Jesuit Order. It is open to anyone interested in academically challenging studies in philosophy – regardless of their religion, ideology or social background. Through a well-founded education in the systematic subjects and the history of philosophy, students are challenged to address the major questions of humanity, and to develop their character as a result. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinarity, interculturality and the connection to life practice.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:

Mobility and Transport

Economics and Business



Currently 4 professors of Munich School of Philosophy are active members in our Joint Academic Partnerships and Working Groups.

Dr. Stefan Einsiedel

Munich School of Philosophy

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Economics and Business

Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović

Munich School of Philosophy

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Mobility and Transport

Prof. Dr. med. Eckhard Frick

Munich School of Philosophy

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

Munich School of Philosophy

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Economics and Business

Doctoral Candidates

Currently 2 doctoral candidates are being supervised at Munich School of Philosophy as part of our cooperative model "Verbundpromotion".

Marc Lunkenheimer

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Economics and Business
Vanessa Schäffner

Vanessa Schäffner

Katholische Stiftungshochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:
Mobility and Transport


Susanne Magin

Susanne Magin

Munich School of Philosophy

Member of Joint Academic Partnership:

Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung

Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolvent*innen an der Munich School of Philosophy


Kaulbachstr. 31/33
80539 München

Press and Communications

Contact Person
Pressesprecher Dr. Ludwig Jaskolla

Telephone: +49 89 2386 2341

Academic Life Long Learning

Weiterbildung an der Hochschule für Philosophie München

Munich School of Philosophy